Sunday, November 22, 2009

Its 7:30, Do You Know Where Your Weekend Went?

I am, what I consider, an amateur fledgling writer. And as any writer, amateur fledgling or otherwise; can tell you laboring over topics and ideas is the most painful encumbrances the hobby (or job) has to offer. That’s why when a best friend’s Facebook update hit me as creative inspiration… I was thankful for not having to effort for once.

So to you AC, I say thank you. And as a token of my gratitude, I will try and heard my readers your way. Here is his link my faithful readers:

Now go forth and follow him. As well as spread the word of us both.

With that out of the way, here is today's blog...

I wonder about Kalen’s weekends.

For the best of my memory, I lived for weekends as a kid. But of course most of my cognitive memory began around kindergarten or even later. And with school being a part of the equation, weekends had much more emphasis. Even as an adult, I find myself still living for the weekend.

But for Kalen, does one day have any more weight of happiness over another. I’d like to think so. I’d like to think that seeing mommy and me all day long has the most positive of impacts. I know it does for us as parents.

I actually can’t wait till she starts school… maybe even more when she gets a few years in. That way she can feel what it’s like to wake up to Saturday morning cartoons and mall trips with friends. As a kid, what better feeling is there than not having to learn for just one or two days? Hell, as an adult what better feeling is there than not having to make a living for just one or two days.

I can tell you that I love, I mean I LOVE being home with my girls and having no plans… but I miss the feeling of waking up and watching the Snorks, the Monchichis, and Blackstar.

And needing only those things to make my whole day.

Those were great times. And as a new dad (no more dad/mom for me!), I will do my best to remember that when Kalen wakes up and wants nothing more then to be lazy and watch cartoons. Maybe that will keep me from pulling the trigger on giving her some daily orders. As a kid she needs to be lazy from time to time.

Being a kid is hard, I think we forget that. Saturday morning cartoons… or whatever constitutes the modern Saturday morning ritual is necessary in order to make sense out of the week. Or even life.

So maybe we all should think about that. Or maybe we should all just reminisce about what we looked forward to on Saturday as a kid. That little bit of nostalgia can be a powerful thing.

Maybe it'll even help to explain why anyone would ever remake Land of the Lost – J

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