Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The beginning of the Chronilces.

Many of you know by now that my store is closed, a very demoralizing blow to say the least. So because of this I now find myself spending my days searching, calling, and applying for what I hope becomes my next and final career path. And in these tumultuous economic times, I hope I discover that path way sooner than later…or its hello McBurger flipper.

But that really isn’t the point of this blog.

No, the point of this blog is sanity… or more accurately to keep myself sane while riding the roller coaster of life through another one of its valleys. Not the deepest mind you, just something else to rise above or out of. So… in order to keep myself sane, I’m going to be writing about my daughter. I hesitate to use “step” in front of that term since I see her more than anyone and in her life she’s too amazing to have anything “step” on her.

My plan isn’t to bring you a “Dear Abby” approach to telling her and my story, that’s way to much fluff. Instead, I plan to use an honest “adult” take at being something entirely new to me... a dad. I will try and aim for MY crowd of current 30’somethings. To try and keep them enthralled. Maybe even the younger hipsters. Hell, even the more straight laced crowd is welcome on my bus.

I hope to bring these stories daily; I’ve even toyed with the idea of dusting off the pencils and add a comic strip at the end each week. Who knows, maybe this will end up making me and my new family millions (and eventually put my topic through college). And every one can have the honor of saying you were there during my humble beginnings.

Now... as we come to the end of this introductory note, think of a few things for me. First, I need a clever name. Something we could put on a t-shirt some day. I would do this myself, but the creative process of spinning my daily life with Kalen into something entertaining is already turning my brain to jelly. Secondly, if this thing is funny and you do like what I have to say… tell the world. Shout it from the rooftops even. How else will I become a household name? Thirdly, give me lots of feedback. Without constructive criticism, one can not grow…or just call me an idiot if that’s more your particular brand of scotch.

Either way, I just want to someone to take notice of our journey.

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