Thursday, February 11, 2010

The Bohaagon’s: A Reintroduction or a Natural Evolution

Man have I been absent.

Absent or absent minded. Either way, you’ve read no blogs from the self proclaimed ayatollah of the blog-ola (It’s true, in the way back I used that title on an ancient social networking site called MySpace) for some time. And now I feel like it’s time to say hello once again and take, what I feel, is the natural next step in my blogging.

In all phases of life and life forms, there is a need… or instinctual hunger to evolve. I am no different. My need to evolve comes from a few things. Things like a comedic drought, a more insightful approach, and a creative desire to expand. Whatever reasoning you attach to it, this blog is the first steep in my evolution.

I’ve been an awkward kid, a rabble rousing teenager, a directionless adult, a step-daddy in training, and finally a new bio-daddy to be. It’s all those experiences and stages of my evolving that have led me to the decision to change the direction of this blog.

I loved talking about my little Kalenator. And I still will. But from now on I’m going to start talking more about myself, my lovely wife, and my partially witless dog. It’s going to be framed with all the same humor (or lack there of), pop culture referencing, and sophomoric comments that you’ve come to know and love from me. I’m going to take you on a journey, MY journey, of not only being a step-dad... a bio-dad... a love’y hubby... but also as just a guy.

A thirty-two year old, slightly educated, and sometimes clueless guy.

And have no fear... there will still be a comic strip coming weekly (hopefully), and it will still prominently portray the Kalenator. Only now there will be frequent guest appearance by some other characters (namely me, the wife, and the Murph).

So read and watch my family through my own skewed vision and distorted sense of humor. And enjoy the blogging evolution from The Khronicles of Kalen to The Bohaagon Saga.

Hopefully reading it will be slightly easier than and just as entertaining as living it.



  1. I don't like the way this is going. I know you and there's not much to you. So, more about YOU is a bad idea. Maybe you can talk about aeronautics? Centipedes might be more interesting. Just saying, give it some thought. You've got an audience...well, a few people, at least, that you don't want to disappoint!

  2. I'll take that into consideration. It's good to know that some of my followers are also good enough friends to point out that some of my choices are not well thought through.

    I love you man.

  3. You're taking me far too seriously...more you is good. Don't anyone take that the wrong way!

  4. Wait... you were joking!?!? Son of a... I just spent the whole weekend googling aerodynamics.
