That’s right! Today the Kalenator returns!!
Talk about a great week. I am driving again. I found out I will be working again… at a really real job. The lil’ monster returns. And that’s not even the crème de la crème for the week!
So hooray for me, hooray for my wife, hooray for Kalen, and hooray for Murphy (cause he feels left out).
But don’t worry. This blog will still be going strong. Maybe not as often as my already sporadic present schedule… but I’m still going to post up a storm, probably with even more insightful daddy nuggets for you.
I’m also going to add a new feature to the end of each blog. On each sign off I’m going to add a little something. Like a lyric from a song by a band I am down with. Or maybe even an obscure movie quote. It’s your job to guess what it’s from. And just so you know, I’m probably going unintentionally intentionally butcher most of the quotes… or at least add my twist to ‘em. The first three or so people to get it right will receive an extremely coveted and very prestigious high five from me.
And don’t cheat jerk faces. Santa will be watching.
All that having been said, I will leave you with this thought; I wasn’t born in a big city like say Boston or New York. But if I was… you can beat your sweet behind that I would rock mad styles and hop turnstiles.
So boom… and see you next week - J
Boom, by POD? That's the only thing I can think of...