Monday, October 26, 2009

My Pause For the Cause is Cause to Walk With Haste

I have a big hole in my bathroom floor.

I’m not even exaggerating a little, a big gapping space right where the throne should be.

But other then that, my Monday has returned to normal.

My wife is back at work and the Kalenator, the Murph and I are all relaxing at home. Our only real inconvenience is the trek we have to take across the grass, up some stairs and into a friend’s empty apartment in order to “lighten our loads”. Hopefully this will only be a one day problem. I couldn’t imagine my wife being okay with the same walk more then once.

And once is a stretch.

Pooh walk aside, this blog and this day mark my last week as a stay at home mom/dad. Next Monday (my birthday… mark it down) I start my new job. And regardless of the excitement I feel of over beginning a new career path, I also have a good level of sadness. I mean making money is beyond great, but the Special K and I have gotten a lot closer over these last few months. And I’m going to miss that.

Who knew that this lil’ monster would burrow right into my big cold heart and make roost. I’ve never hated kids mind you; I’ve just always enjoyed knowing that every kid I knew was going home to their parents at the end of the day.

Now I am the parent… and I love it.

Years of hard solo manly living has taught me to ridicule someone like me. Good thing I can whip my own @$$... it keeps me from giving myself too much crap. Since I am safe for now, I guess my next step is to change the direction of this blog, that of new working dad.

Also… only one person attempted last weeks lyric. He got it wrong, so no high fives. I am very disappointed in you all.

Oh well… it may not be early morning yesterday… but I still must be moving on - J


  1. If the veiled lyric is at the end of your post, then it's Supertramp "Goodbye Stranger"

  2. I don't mean to brag but, I don't think I even need to try to answer your lyric challenge as I'm pretty sure I earned lifelong high five status with you years ago!

  3. High Five for Mr. Richard... and you too Dusty.
