While finding out you're going to be a new dad is the one of the most amazing and the most surreal of any experiences I've had in my life… I must keep a level head.
Just like when Kalen turns into the Kalenator; at some point this kid is going to be a terror on two legs, and I’m going to be stuck with an eight and four year old that want nothing more then to torture me mercilessly.
And to slightly elevate my blood pressure.
So comparatively speaking, the toddler years of lost sleep and changing diapers doesn’t seem all that scary. AND I guess it could always get a little worse… eventually they’re going to be fourteen and eighteen years old.
But at that point I will be more then happy with my dementia - J
Oh and P.S. Road trip for the Bohaagon clan this weekend... and from it shall come a new look for the comic strip.
That's my version of a tease.
When the hell did you find out that I'm going to be a father? I DON'T EVEN KNOW THAT!