This past weekend I had a heart to heart with my grandpa.
Keep in mind; he is of the old ways.
After "telling" my wife to get me some more coffee and her doing it, he said that he was very happy to see that of all his children/grandchildren... I was the only one that wasn't henpecked.
I told him the secret was this. I let my wife know that she has two options. She take me putting my foot down, or she can take me putting the same foot up her a$$.
Luckily for her she wasn't even close to being in the room at the time.
All man right here - J
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Monday, February 7, 2011
“His disciples lead him in, and he just does the rest.”
There are people in this world that would have you believe that games such as pinball are based primarily on luck. These are the same people who subscribe to the same school of thought for Texas Hold’em as well.
I however, think that in both cases, those people are idiots.
If that way of thinking were true, I would’ve qualified for the WPT at least once. And at some point amidst my hundred or so games of silver ball this past Saturday night, I would have walked away with at least one or two high scores.
As it stands though, I didn’t. And furthermore, I found that I don’t possess the patience it takes for one to become a true pinball master. You would think you wouldn’t need much to play such a frenetic paced game, what with the multi ball feature and all. But in all honesty, it takes just that; patience plus dedication and determination. You have to be focused and pay attention to the game in front of you. None of these things I have… especially after a handful of PBR tall boys.
Also, I have a question, when did pinball become one of the chosen pastimes of stoners and drunkards? And how the f#%k are they so damn good at it?
I bring all of these points and questions to your attention because this past Saturday night I took part in a party bus trip from a Missouri bar called The Silver Ball Room (not located near a castle mind you) to an Illinois establishment called CP Pinball (which is a BYOB place). The trip itself, though less than desirable conditions (a$$ to elbow as it were), wasn’t at all a bad time. In fact, for the most part, it was my favorite part of the trip. I would have selected a different spread of booze (the aforementioned PBR plus Busch, his lighter sibling and some other random flavored beers); but what are you going to do… free booze people.
CP is this all you can play pinball hall with 60 plus machines, a couple of arcades and a few bar games. A normal person would pay ten bones to play for like four hours (roughly two hours longer then needed). For me, being a part of the wizardly bus pilgrimage and loaded to the brim with cheap booze and rocking out to 80’s punk rock, the evening ran about three times that... a price that normally I could easily recoup by devouring bad beer like Godzilla downs tiny Asian commuters. This night though, it was my duty to wear the hat of designated driver. A younger me wouldn’t have taken this responsibility very well. Luckily I am now older, more mature, and infinitely more capable of bearing the burden of such a weighty hat.
Mind you, compared to that younger me, I could only go up.
So after many hours of playing pinball and nursing those tall boys, we reboarded the same cramped shuttle and headed back to the good side of the river. After which I discovered that relatively sober, Taco Bell’s 4th meal is still amazingly delicious (BCB... just saying). Apparently liquor has little effect on the flavor of food past the stroke of midnight.
Who knew?
Since it seems that I lost the point of this blog, I’m just going to sign off and try to score with this hot mom to my right. My odds increase greatly when I put down the laptop and focus my attention on her.
Don’t go changing people - J
I however, think that in both cases, those people are idiots.
If that way of thinking were true, I would’ve qualified for the WPT at least once. And at some point amidst my hundred or so games of silver ball this past Saturday night, I would have walked away with at least one or two high scores.
As it stands though, I didn’t. And furthermore, I found that I don’t possess the patience it takes for one to become a true pinball master. You would think you wouldn’t need much to play such a frenetic paced game, what with the multi ball feature and all. But in all honesty, it takes just that; patience plus dedication and determination. You have to be focused and pay attention to the game in front of you. None of these things I have… especially after a handful of PBR tall boys.
Also, I have a question, when did pinball become one of the chosen pastimes of stoners and drunkards? And how the f#%k are they so damn good at it?
I bring all of these points and questions to your attention because this past Saturday night I took part in a party bus trip from a Missouri bar called The Silver Ball Room (not located near a castle mind you) to an Illinois establishment called CP Pinball (which is a BYOB place). The trip itself, though less than desirable conditions (a$$ to elbow as it were), wasn’t at all a bad time. In fact, for the most part, it was my favorite part of the trip. I would have selected a different spread of booze (the aforementioned PBR plus Busch, his lighter sibling and some other random flavored beers); but what are you going to do… free booze people.
CP is this all you can play pinball hall with 60 plus machines, a couple of arcades and a few bar games. A normal person would pay ten bones to play for like four hours (roughly two hours longer then needed). For me, being a part of the wizardly bus pilgrimage and loaded to the brim with cheap booze and rocking out to 80’s punk rock, the evening ran about three times that... a price that normally I could easily recoup by devouring bad beer like Godzilla downs tiny Asian commuters. This night though, it was my duty to wear the hat of designated driver. A younger me wouldn’t have taken this responsibility very well. Luckily I am now older, more mature, and infinitely more capable of bearing the burden of such a weighty hat.
Mind you, compared to that younger me, I could only go up.
So after many hours of playing pinball and nursing those tall boys, we reboarded the same cramped shuttle and headed back to the good side of the river. After which I discovered that relatively sober, Taco Bell’s 4th meal is still amazingly delicious (BCB... just saying). Apparently liquor has little effect on the flavor of food past the stroke of midnight.
Who knew?
Since it seems that I lost the point of this blog, I’m just going to sign off and try to score with this hot mom to my right. My odds increase greatly when I put down the laptop and focus my attention on her.
Don’t go changing people - J
Bad booze,
One hot mom.,
Silver balls
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Saturday Funnies

I’ve always wondered what goes through my lil’ bits’ head as she plays.
I’d like to say this strip sheds some light on the mystery... but the truth is I’m not sure if she even likes late night talk shows. I can’t even say that she like to spew out the obscenities.
I can tell you she can change moods on you that quick.
You women get that early. Must be handed down from mom's.
I'm goin now - J
Cursre Words,
Talk Shows,
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